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tv   ABC2 News The Latest at 11  ABC  October 2, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

11:00 pm massive. true. stimulating. helpful. volunteering... volunteering... volunteering builds a better community. ♪ the time is now it's 11 p.m. do you know where your children are? now abc2 news at 11. the family of a catonville man who died after eating tainted canteloupe speaks out about the loss and what they are doing about it. extreme couponers are under fire tonight. why there's a backlash againstthose saving too much and they are doing more than just looking. hear from the engineers dangling high above the ground with history in their hands. those stories and more when abc2 news at 11 starts right now. well fall is officially here tonight. but pennsylvania is getting a taste of winter. people woke up to a light coating the snow on roofs, fields and cars.
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this area usually gets the first snowfall real snowfall between october 20th and 31st. but, we are a little more lucky. closer to home a chilly rainy night. this is a live picture of downtown baltimore. big question everybody has to be wondering is will the temperatures warm up? lynette charles is in the storm center and hopefully has good news in the forecast. >> yes. i have good news. in answer to your question we are going to worm as we go throughout -- warm up as we go throughout the week. but pennsylvania did get snow. i will take you to the loop. you can see some of the purposeels there and the-- purples and the pink and that's the snowfall. we are dealing with not a lot across maryland but light rain falling now into western or west virginia rather and also into virginia a portion there. so, as we go through the rest of the evening here close to home, yes, we can see scattered showers in the forecast and also drizzle like we saw all day today. right now, temperatures still quite chilly in frederick and york and hagerstown in the 40s.
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51 in inner harbor. dc and annapolis, upper 40s. going through the overnight, temperatures around 45 degrees and we will have cloudy skies out there. scattered showers and it will be cold and this is what your forecast looks like for tomorrow. chilly with a high only at 55 degrees. back to you, kelly. >> thanks a lot. and we are working to help you keep tabs on all the changing weather. if you want to know what's happening right now any time day or night, down load the weather app for your iphone or ipad. now with the app plan around the storms and get the hour by hour forecast or a 7-day forecast right there in the palm of your hand. join the weather app crowd so you know when to pull out a jct or umbrella. head to and there you can find the free weather app link. tonight we hear from the family of a catonsville man who died after eating tainted can't lope. clarence wells was 87 and is one of the 15 people that came down with listeria and died in
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the outbreak. brian kue bler joins us with how the family is dealing with the loss lawsuit. >> reporter: clarence wells' daughter didn't know what listeria was until it claimed her father's life a month ago. the man now one of at least 15 deaths attributed to an infected batch of canteloupe. it started when clarence wells' family noticed he was putting on weight, 9 pounds in three days his daughter says a hospital stay followed and a week later, wells died. it happened just that quick. >> just an enormous hole. it is is a first couple wiex couldn't sit at the table and have breck -- weeks, i couldn't sit at the table and have breakfast because he wasn't sitting there. it's really hard. >> reporter: but it was not until wells' family got a call a few days after his death that they would see the enormity of it all. listeria was found in his system. the infection with the same dna
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as the strain on the bad batch of canteloupes from a colorado farm. clarence wells is now one of at least 15 people to die from the fruit shipped from jensen farms. >> the number is just have me in just complete awe. that there are a million and a half canteloupes and my father is one of the people who ate the canteloupe and passed away. it's just mind-boggling. >> reporter: and neglect one of three counts the wells family is alleging in lawsuit filed by their seattle based attorney again jensen farms. the legal term is damages. but in every day life, it's the moments you no longer get or the one you last had. >> it's an opportunity to stand beside him not to brush his hair back with my hand because he had no hair but just to caress his head and tell him i would see him later you know. i will see you tomorrow rest well.
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and that's when he passed that night. >> reporter: the wells family knows the lawsuit cannot and will not change anything that has happened. but their hope is it can affect the future. >> the only good is that they stop it and they prevent it from happening elsewhere and happening again. >> reporter: the family says routinely they ran errands with their father and have no idea where they bought the canteloupe and said we may never know where it came from. brian ku bestler, abc2 news thanks. another recall to tell you about romaine lettuce because of a possible listeria that recall has been expanded. the chopped and bagged lettuce made in california was shipped between september 12th and 13th to whole sale and retail food districtors in 19 states. good news is so far no one has gotten sick. possible contamination was in a bag of lettuce is not related to the deadly listeria outbreak linked to canteloupes from that colorado farm. want to show you this
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picture tonight. this man jason hicks is behind bars. the 35-year-old is charged with arson accused of setting a huge fire that destroyed an auto repair and tire shop in baltimore last week. look at the flames. the fire was huge and started monday at the belvedere tire company and burned throughout the two-story building in northwest baltimore. the tire burning created a huge thick cloud of black smoke that could be seen as far away as reisterstown and into parts of howard county. howard county firefighters came to the rescue of several families in columbia. the fire started in a apartment complex in the 12,000 block of little patuxent way. the first floor had heavy smoke and fire and quickly spread. firefighters rescued two women and the red cross is helping out families forced out of the homes and the cause of that fire is still under investigation. two people in cecil county didn't die-- bint by a --
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bitten by a cat has tested positive for rabies. amanda knox she attended a prison mass today and called her grandmother in seattle as she awaits the verdict from the italian appeals court. ruling is speced tomorrow on whether she can be freed after four years in prison. knox and her codefendant were convicted of murdering knox british roommate. she was sentenced to 26 years and both deny any wrongdoing. the u.s. supreme court begins the new term tomorrow. a major case the justices are expected to review a legal challenge to president obama's health care reform law. we have more on that and some of the other issues the high court may take up. >> reporter: monday kicks off a new term for the supreme court. and health care tops the list of big issues the 9 justices can take on. the obama administration has
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asked the highest court to rule on the constitutionality of the patient protection and affordable care act. the health care overhaul signed into law last year. lawsuits brought by 28 states and dozens of individuals and groups have challenged the government's right to require people to purchase health insurance. the key provision in the law. analyst say the court will almost certainly address the hot button issue this term. with a decision coming months before the presidential election. >> the law itself is obviously really important whether you like it or not. it has tremendous consequences for president obama's reelection because it is a signature achievement. >> politics of health care aside, this is essential -- is a central issue that can change the way the government and people interact going forward in the country. >> reporter: among cases on the court's docket, a electronic surveillance case whether a police can attract a gps tracker to a suspect's car without a warrant.
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central question, do motorists have any right to privacy on public roads. another about whether prisons can subject people arrested evenfor minor "fence to suspicion strip searches and whether the federal communication indecency rules violate the free speech rights. >> it seems they will have to decide what the free speech rights of broadcasters are to put profanity and some nudity on the air. >> reporter: other politically charged issues that could come up include immigration, gay marriage, affirmative action and abortion. >> the supreme court term so far is shaping up to be interesting. but it could become absolutely explosive and could be the most interesting one in a century. >> that was athena jones reporting. one important note. the u.s. supreme court takes on about 1 out of the 10 cases it is petitioned to review. justices have not decided whether or not they will takeel the health care overhaul yet.
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saving catch and clipping coupons turned into a sport at this point. why there's a backlash tonight against some extreme couponers and how it's affecting you. and it's not only amazing for to us watch them high above the ground, hear why the task of repairing the washington monument is a thrill for engineers. and look at this. it's one tall order of nachos. so big, it is one for the record books. how many chips and how muchcheese? we will share the stats when abc2 news continues in 60 seconds.
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that have earned the keurig brewed seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee every time. keurig brewed. look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality. well by this point everyone heard of extreme couponing. it's almost a sport and spawned a popular reality tv show but now there's a growing backlash against some of the people filling their homes with cheap goods. john matarese has details so
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you don't waste your money. >> reporter: it used to be people brought 4 or 5 coupon to the grocery store and saved a couple bucks now they are bringing dozens and savings saving hundreds only problem is some of them are make it tough for other shoppers because stores are saying enough is enough. extreme couponing is all the rage. thanks to the tlc series of the same name and shoppers like the self-proclaimed crazy coupon lady. one of the stars of the tlc show mr. coupon showed me last year how much he bought for pennies on the dollar. >> we don't spend anything on tooth paste for the next year because we have enough to last a year. >> reporter: nathan. >> tlc's crazy coupon lady and other extreme couponers say they are not hoarders and give food to charity. but supermarket chains are not impressed. many are tired of
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extremecouponers clearing out shelves and leaving nothing. >> they are coming in and clearing shelves and not respectful to other shoppers that you know only need 3 or a minimum amount for their family. and they are not respectful stotstore. >> reporter: that is money blog her behind the savings lifestyle a money saving blog. she says more and more tors stores are tight edge the coupon policies among them -- tightening the coupon policies among cvs. target only one by one get one coupon per purchase. and supermarkets cracking down include kroger, there's no more stacking paper coupons and ecoupons. publix limits a number of coupons that can be used. and giant eagle only 12 similar coupons per visit. andrea says couponers should play by the rules. >> if you are going in to purchase 30 items and there's only 30 bottles on the shelf, then don't take all 30. >> reporter: it happened to me when tide detergeent were marked down from 8.69 to 5.99 a
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great deal except couponers cleaned out the store and there were none left on the shelves. so coupon responsibly so you don't waste your money. i am john matarese. and we were helping you clean out your cabinets. we were teaming up for the tread event offering up free shredding for documents or papers. it's estimated we helped you security shred and recycle over 13,000 pounds of paper. now maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weatherate. and people had on the coats because it was cold. it's funny on say the was out and about and people didn't have the coats on and didn't get the idea. but today, oh, yes, they got the picture. check out temperatures right now. coming in right around 47 degrees. 47 chilly degrees. humidity is at 80%.
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and winds out of the west southwest at 9 miles an hour and that barometer is 29.94 and it's holding steady. so besides the cold temperatures today, yes, we have the rain as well. we had scattered showers and drills and a dreary day. -- drizzle and dreher a dreary day. we had over an inch in leesburg and virginia and checking out mount airy 3/10 of an inch of rainfall. we had some widespread ll across the area. maryland's most powerful radar right now not picking up on a whole lot. one lone shower over there in west virginia around martinsburg and along i-81 traveling there. some light to moderate rain you can see right in between inwood and charlestown. but other than that, we are pretty much dry as of now. but, as we go through the rest of the overnight into tomorrow, once again it will be a day like it was today. and the day before yesterday. so, as we check out our highs today, not high at all. well below average.
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51 in baltimore. and a in easton and 52 in d.c. upper 40s in frederick and hagerstown and york, pennsylvania. tomorrow, the temperatures into arbutus coming in around 55. once again we are in the 50s. 54 in overly and we will have overcast skies once again. reason why is well, we still are under an upper-level low and until this moves out of here, we won't see the sunshine. but, it will be coming as we go into wednesday. so we are waiting for the high pressure to dive into the area. but in the meantime, we will be unsettled. so, tropical satellite yes we are talking about the tropics. but the good news is hurricane ophelia pushing up into new finland and tropical storm felipe work its way off towards the west but could doo a -- do a loop d loop. look at future forecast going into time and again, chance for showers as we go into tomorrow afternoon. and make sure to have the
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raingear. and by tuesday, tuesday morning i think we will have a better chance for showers but it starts to push out of here and then we will start to see drying effect and more sunshine will be here by wednesday. now for tomorrow, the temperature will be right around 55 degrees again, more scattered showers and we will be continued chilly once again so don't forget the rain gear or the jacket. and then by tomorrow night, still quite cool. right around 44 degrees. temperatures still below normal. here to check on the seven-day forecast and i think you will like what you see here. we are in october now. and we want the fall weather. we don't want the winter weather. checking out what's happening tuesday. once again temperatures will spring back. but we can see that the showers are possible as we go into tuesday morning. but by the time we hit wednesday ample sunshine and 69 warming upthrough thursday more of the same on friday. but by the time we hit friday, temperatures will be seasonable. heading into next weekend sunshine and we could be above average but no complaints. >> by the time we get to
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wednesday. but i will complain up until wednesday. all right. thanks a lot. >> you are welcome. the washington monument has been closed since the earthquake in august. but as you can see here, there was a spectacle the whole day today. check out this rainbow. pretty cool huh? rain and wind in washington halted the earthquake damage inspections work on the outside of the monument. abc tom caught up with the team the engineers working on it and they talked about what it's like to do what no one has ever done before. >> reporter: more people have walked on the moon than the washington monument. >> i am always hit with the sense of history and culture. >> reporter: emma is one of five members of an engineering team that has been repelling down the 500 foot sides of the monument. >> to be here and the experience of looking at a building this historical is amazing. >> reporter: armed with ram
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razz and ipads they assess the damage from the earthquake in august that left some cracks and broken pieces of stone. >> started out with a visual assessment to see what the conditions are. we are looking for cracks and displaysments, signs of distress and then we are documenting that with digital photographs on the ipads. >> reporter: the team uses soft cameras to test the stones and they collect any loose pieces. >> what we are doing is sounding the stone to listen for any hollow areas which is indicative of failed spot in the stone. >> reporter: being the center of attention dangling 50 stories high they may have the coolest jobs in the world. . >>i think after we are off the building and able to kind of sit back and think about it a little more and writing reports, think we will realize what -- it was something that was important. >> reporter: while it look like fun, it can be tiring. >> we are starting to tire and
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it's physically demanding but this's a sense of what we are doing, what building we are on and just all of the buzz that goes along with that kind of keeps you going. >> reporter: delayed by the weather, the outside work will continue a few more days. abc news, washington. >> great work but don't know if it looks like fun, not to me. coming up in the democracy 2010 coverage governor o'malley is blasting a possible republican candidate etch says new jersey governor christie would add little substance to the presidential race. and the dolphin has dethroned the lion at the box office. a look at winners and losers coming up. [ female announcer ] at,
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in democracy 2012 governor marten o'malley is slamming new jersey governor chris christie record in office. on face the nation this morning o'malley said christie would bring tremendous entertainment value but little substance to the presidential race. the governor knocked his record saying the republican struggled to create jobs and new jersey's bond rating is downgraded and the schools have slipped in national rankings. he has resisted running but those close to him says he is reconsidering his decision. also infully the plight cal news it's been a weekend of ups and downs and maybe one big maybe for the gop presidential field. all of whom got a verbal ripping from the commander in chief saturday night.
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here's larry jacobs. >> reporter: herman cain georgia businessman and only black republican in the presidential field won two straw polls over the weekend. first the national federation of republican women's meeting in kansas city saturday. about 500 attendees voting he won the straw poll with 48%. rick perry was distant second at 14. then at a tea party meeting outside chicago cain won the second straw poll with 77% of the vote from 700 tea party supporters. >> it took a few passing of patrons to start the nation and it will take a few passionate patriots to save the nation>> reporter: on sunday he went after perry for not acting sooner in removing a racially offensive name on a rock outside a hunting came his family leased. the perry campaign says it was painted over in the 1980s. >> it was painted over but how long ago was it painted over? and>> reporter: and then governor christie a maybe and
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he has to decide very soon. >> we would be glad to have him cop and play. >> reporter: he will join afield the target of a attack by president obama saturday night for collectively not defending a gay soldier when he was booed at the last gop debate. >> you intend to circumvent the congress for gay and lesbian soldiers in the military. >> you want to be commander in chief? you can start by standing up for the men and women who wear the uniform of the united states even when it's not politically convenient. >> reporter: larry jacobs, abc news. well, coming up, kids rule. at least they did at the box office this weekend. two of the top three movies were animateed kids flicks. we will break down the numbers when abc2 news at 11 continues. that have earned the keurig brewed seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver
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check this out. this is one large order of nachos. it's in the guinness to the world records so big it was on a horseshoe shaped table. it weighed 3999 pounds. 1100 pounds of chips and 820 pounds of cheese, and 450 pounds of salsa. the restaurant in massachusetts was celebrating the return of nachos to the menu and used to raise money for the boys and girls club. it sounds good but it looks gross. >> disgusting. dolphin tail in 3-d made a big splash. it grossed 14.2 million and money ball starring brad pitt
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slid in at number 2 with 12.5 million and after holding the top spot for two weeks tbheex row the lion king in 3-d of course came in third place bringing in slightly more than 11 million dollars. the and mated flick was taken 79.6 million dollars domestically since the re- release proving animals reign supreme. and we will watch the video we have at home. >> i know. good time to go to the movie theaters because cold outside. so as we go through tomorrow we will see more of the same. >> all right. that's it for us tonight. we are back tomorrow don't forget at -- don't forget the 4:30 crew. have a good one.
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